Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I am in partially due to password issues, and partially xmas craziness

But I am back!

So much has heppened in the last few months, I'll just take a few bites at a time.

Lets work backwards for fun.

I had a meeting with my manager and district manager today. I am officially headed to the store manager interviews! I heard a little about it a few weeks ago, but nothing set in stone. So March 8th, I get to fly to Denver for the real deal. Should I pass then as soon as an opportunity comes I will be placed. Im not going to jinx anything now, but I know they wouldn't put me in this position with out a lot of confidence in me. Chris and Becki, my Dm and Sm are very exited. As am I of course!!! With new stores opening in October there will be plenty of opportunity!
It is just so refreshing to be recognized by my boss, and her boss. She is well on her was to being DM as well!

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