Sunday, March 05, 2006

G's special day

Although he wasnt quite as lucky as JJ, he still made out like a bandit!

We went early again in hopes of a fan of the game chance, and to watch warm ups, and it was sold out and I dont like fighting crowds.

We stopped a couple booths outside and G got to take some shots at a radio booth that had a net set up. I guess the practice in the hall is paying off, he scored a couple times with a big stick and puck on concrete! Won a hat and a sucker. he liked the sucker best, but the hat is a good fit, no bumps!

Well we have decided to retire the autographed jersey for now, so we also needed a new kids jersey. First order of business is the jersey, so I hooked G up with one like mine this time. With beads, hat, pom pom, we explore the arena. Found a face paint booth, no luck talking him into it though.

We pick up a stick and ball combo at the den, so now he can play goalie like CUJO. I'm not sure how Cujo became his favorites but he is sold. We head down to the the glass to watch warmups, this time from the Coyotes end. This time with a camera as well, a real camera. Some good action shots, the speed is crazy.

One of the players flips a puck to us! It hits the net right over my head and I catch it on the glass. G is beaming! A great PIC! So now we have a game and practice back in back to back games!

After warm ups we head back to our seats. The crowd is filtering in, unfortunately the color of red that is coming in is just a shade to bright. The sold out arena is due inlarge part to Wing nuts everywhere. Thats ok though the excitement of a sell out should be great. The wings jump all over the yotes early2-0 in 3 minutes, looks like its going to be a long night. The yotes score a couple quick ones before the end of the first, bringing it back to 3-2. Could be a good game after all.

That changed in teh 2nd, with 6 penalties, 4 Red Wing goals its getting ugly. Cujo is playing mad, slashing at guys when they get close. 2 penalties on him in 3 minutes. Oh well maybe next time...the Red Wing fans are sure enjoying it.

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